Ethical Channel


If you have information or reasonable suspicion that a violation has occurred or may occur in our organisation, please send us all information about it.

If you use our Ethics Channel, our experts will assess the accuracy of the allegations and conduct all necessary investigations to resolve the reported infringement.

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  • Data administrator: Panadero AB, S.L.
  • Address of the administrator: Polígono Industrial Campollano, Avenida 5, number 13-15. 02007 Albacete-Spain
  • Purpose: Your data will be used to meet your requests and provide you our services.
  • Advertising: Advertising material will be sent only upon your prior authorization, which you can provide by marking of the corresponding box established for this purpose.
  • Legitimization: Your data will be processed only after your prior consent, which you can provide by marking of the corresponding box established for this purpose.
  • Recipients: In general, only duly authorized personnel of our entity may have consent to access the information we request.
  • Rights: You have the right to know what information we have about you, correct it and delete it, as explained in the additional information available on our website.
  • Additional information: More information in the “PRIVACY POLICY” section of our website.

Important information

  • This Ethics Channel is for anyone, even anonymously, to report information about wrongdoing in our organisation. This means that we have set up this channel to receive actual or reasonably suspected information about violations that have occurred or are likely to occur.
  • The information provided through this Ethics Channel will be received by our experts, who will assess the accuracy of the allegations made in the complaint and, after carrying out the relevant investigations, will resolve the procedure in the most satisfactory manner for those affected.
  • When using this Ethical Channel, you should be aware that all the evidence you can provide will be of great help, as it will allow the investigator to resolve the process in question in a more agile and coherent manner.
  • If, despite not being obligatory, you decide to communicate your identity during the process, you should know that your personal information will be protected and will not be disclosed to third parties under any circumstances, being the instructor or facilitator of the procedure the only one who will know such data.
  • We will grant the maximum guarantee of indemnity, so we will not take reprisals of any kind in case you are an employee of the organisation or any other person who has a close relationship with our entity.
  • We hope that the Ethics Channel will be useful to you and allow you to resolve the incident you are going to report, for which we will work as discreetly and professionally as possible.